Monday, November 28, 2011

The Story of Dewie

Dewie, "aka Mista!" is my 3 year old orange tabby that came into my life in July of 2009 when I used to work at the Small Animal Emergency Clinic down in Lexington, KY.  I've fostered many cats and bottle fed many kittens prior to Dewie and never kept any of them.  He was brought in as a "feral" cat that was attacked by a dog or cat.  The people who brought him in wanted to euthanize him because he was just a stray and didn't want to take financial responsibility for him.  Well, our vet refused to euthanize him because he was perfectly healthy, the wounds were easily treatable, and he was sweet as can be!  It was funny because when he came into the treatment area, he was wrapped in a towel to prevent him from biting us, especially since he was supposed to be feral.  But as soon as we realized that he wasn't showing any signs of aggression, we unwrapped him and started talking to him.  He immediately started purring and let us clip and clean the wounded area without any sedation.  Brave man!!

Dewie had an abscess under his chin, bite wounds between his shoulder blades, and on his right hind.

The only bad thing about working at a vet clinic is, there's always an animal that is either going to be surrendered or put to sleep because of financial problems.  I knew one day I would be a sucker and say yes in taking an animal but who knew it would be with him! But you know what, it was the best decision I ever made!  He is my world and I couldn't have asked for a better cat.  It worked out perfect since I was moving to a new place by myself and he was there to keep me company.  So we started a new adventure together, just the two of us...Wellll ok, we started our adventure after I came back from my Hawaii trip that I was leaving for the next day!

Dewie and my 12 year old dog, April Lala :)  My parents stole her from me when I went to college!! (still upset about it!)

Yes, he has the cone of shame on!

I still needed a name for him when I came back from my trip.  I was going to find a cool Hawaiian name for him while I was there, but nothing seemed right.  My vet, Dianne, who had been taking care of him for me while I was gone had been calling him Mellow Yellow.  I said, "I don't really like Mellow Yellow as much as I like Mountain Dew!" So that's how he got his name, Dewie! Creative, huh?

Such a handsome man! 
 He's upset that his bowl is empty...he used to be 10 pounds when I first adopted him...

 Sitting on top of the food bin.  Typical Dewie!

 He loves that small crate he barely fits in!

Dewie playing with the strings on the blinds...he rolled off shortly after this picture was taken! haha

A few months later, my friend bought me a book called "Dewey- the small-town library cat who touched the world".  Who would have thought that there would be a book about an orange tabby named Dewey!! I knew then that it was meant to be! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ouch Dewie's paw looked painful; glad you are such a "sucker". Dewey is a great book by the way :)
