Saturday, January 7, 2012

Poor Dewie!

That right there is a cat that is hating me right now! Instead of paying for an e-collar, we decided to make a custom one! It's softer and it's free! Who doesn't like that??  

Why does he have an e-collar on? Well, he pretty much licked himself bald on his belly, front and rear legs so we're keeping it on him until his fur starts to grow back (whenever that may be!). We originally thought that it was related to stress, but after a while, it got worse so we brought him to the Vet and they said that it's allergy related dermatitis.  He's had seasonal allergies down in KY but up here, he never seemed to have any problems.  It turns out, we just needed to switch his food.  So, we're seeing how he does on Taste of the Wild.  

When we initially put the e-collar on, he was NOT a happy camper.  But he seems to be doing ok with Justice keeping him company!  All he's been doing is sleeping and low crawling around the house.  

We will see how he does this next month!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Dewey. Our dogs love Taste of the Wild, but our cats have never tried it. Hope it works for Dewey!
